's Channel settings
- Global cooldown:
- Per-user cooldown:
- Can be changed using =cooldown [global] [per-user]
Bot allowed to run while channel is live:
- Can be toggled using =allowonline
Live/offline notifications & disabled command alerts:
- Can be toggled using =mute
Channel stats
Enabled commands
You can enable all commands at once using =toggle allonDisabled commands
You can disable all commands at once using =toggle alloff
's Stats
🥚 | |
Commands used | |
Coin flips | |
Roulettes | |
Duels | |
Lottery | |
Stocks | |
Trades |
All time stats
🥚 | |
Commands used | |
Coin flips | |
Roulettes | |
Duels | |
Lottery | |
Stocks | |
Trades |
's NFEs